Friday, January 26, 2007

Unchangeable Favourites.



2003 Spring/Summer. Bruno and Amber.

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Although it would be much better with medusas in the background.

Oh hell, let me just do it.

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2004 Summer. Rianne.

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2004 Fall/Winter.

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2005 with Madonna and Demi Moore went to shit, as did 2006 with Halle Berry.
Not too fond.


Sickening. He makes me feel so poverty-stricken.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


What the fuck?

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Are you seeing this. Please look closely.

Wanna let me know why I didn't notice this when the movie came out like 9 years ago?

Yeah so.

I'm studying Law now.
I feel like i'm accomplishing something so that's good.

Anyways. A few things I just needed to share with, I guess... myself?

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ughh brad kroenig is truly one of the sexiest men on the planet.

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

I'm feeling...

Muslim heiresses who ski in Chanel.

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And look stunning in fast cars.

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And drop $5000 a day.

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Who get bored easily.

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So basically. Muslim girls.


I should be studying but i'm putting it off.
Oh plus I hate reading to little kids today was fucking atrocious.
Why do all children smell like piss? I wish they would just die.